Visit SIDREC at InvestSmart® Fest 2018
The InvestSmart Fest 2018 is back at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (Hall 2) from 12 to 14 October!
SIDREC had a busy weekend, as an InvestSmart partner at the Securities Commission Malaysia’s InvestSmart Fest 2015.
The InvestSmart Fest was held at the Mid Valley Exhibition Centre, Kuala Lumpur from Friday, Oct 9 to Sunday, Oct 11.
Thousands visited the weekend event and had the opportunity to learn about the various investment products and services in the market as well as to pick up a tip or two on selecting good investment-grade stock. Themed ‘Start investing in your future now’, the event was a crowd-puller as it featured popular industry experts who shared insights on winning investment approaches and simple rules to grow one’s wealth. Also there, were Bursa Marketplace ‘Celebrity Traders’, JJ and Atilia, who shared their own trading experience and lessons learnt.
There were educational games and contests throughout the 3-day roadshow that lent a carnival like atmosphere to the fair. Everyone in the family found it a lot of fun, besides taking the chance to learn about investing. Experienced fund managers and brokers were available to guide investors and the public about meeting long-term financial goals with different capital market products that were available. Also at hand were Bursa Malaysia, FIMM, SIDREC, PPA, and SIDC amongst others, to provide guidance and help on the safeguards and assistance available to investors as part of the investor protection framework in the capital market.
SIDREC’s team was kept busy with both the public and industry professionals, who were curious about our role and how we are able to help parties, move positively towards a resolution when they are in a dispute. Those who came, walked away informed about the whole dispute resolution process and were happy to discover a cost-free avenue they could now turn to for help, if needed. Many were game to pose for a snapshot at our booth with a team-member or brandishing the odd prop, as a keepsake.
If you weren’t able to make it, you missed quite a bit! No worries – look out for the next InvestSmart event, or SIDREC roadshow, coming your way soon.
Thank you to all those who took time to stop by for a visit and a conversation!
SIDREC is an InvestSmart Partner
SC Chairman Tan Sri Zarinah Anwar said, “SIDREC will enhance investor protection by affording investors with small claims access to settlement of disputes without the need to resort to expensive litigation”
Dato’ Ranita binti Mohd Hussein, the newly appointed Chairman of SIDREC said, “SIDREC provides a mediation and adjudication mechanism aimed at investors who have claims of RM100,000 or less arising from transactions involving capital market products and/or services. The facility is provided free to eligible individuals and sole proprietorships. One of SIDREC’s immediate priorities is to educate the investing public on SIDREC’s functions and how it can help investors”.
Dato’ Ranita is joined on the Board of Directors of SIDREC by a group of distinguished representatives from the capital market industry as well as the private and public sectors, namely Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Hamad Kama Piah Bin Che Othman, Dato’ Kok Wee Kiat, Dato’ Saiful Bahri Bin Zainuddin, Dato’ Ambiga Sreenevasan, Dato’ Halipah Binti Esa and Mr Raymond Tang Chee Kin.
SIDREC is a body corporate established to act as a dispute resolution body in relation to any claims made by eligible claimants against any person licensed to carry out the activities of dealing in securities, trading in futures contracts and fund management under the Capital Markets and Services Act 2007. In essence, SIDREC will provide dispute resolutions in any dealing or transaction involving capital market products or services between clients and their securities brokers, futures brokers, fund managers and unit trust management companies.
An investor who brings a claim to SIDREC will be attended to by a mediator, who will look into his/her claim and conduct enquiries with both the claimant and the party complained against. The mediator will bring the two parties together with the aim of resolving the claim amicably. If this mediation process fails, the matter will proceed to adjudication within SIDREC. The decision and award granted by SIDREC is binding on the capital market licence holder. However, the claimant is free to pursue his claim in court if he is dissatisfied with the mediator’s decision.
The InvestSmart Fest 2018 is back at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (Hall 2) from 12 to 14 October!
SIDREC Head of Dispute Resolution Hong Siew Lai was recently interviewed on CITYPlus radio station.
SIDREC wishes all Muslims Selamat Hari Raya AidilFitri.
Securities Industry Dispute Resolution Center (201001025669)
Level 25, Menara Takaful Malaysia
No. 4, Jalan Sultan Sulaiman
50000 Kuala Lumpur
T: +60-3-2276 6969
E: info@sidrec.com.my