SIDREC Outreach Initiative Programme
Announcements SIDREC’s Chairman, Dato’ Mah Weng Kwai will be speaking on the topic of “Alternative Dispute Resolution: The Appropriate Means to an End” to students
Date: 20 – 24 June 2016
Location: SIDREC Office, Menara UOA Bangsar, KUALA LUMPUR
Announcements SIDREC’s Chairman, Dato’ Mah Weng Kwai will be speaking on the topic of “Alternative Dispute Resolution: The Appropriate Means to an End” to students
The PJ Startup Festival is back! Join us at this free digital economy event that will bring together an impressive lineup of start-ups, government agencies,
SIDREC held its 5th AGM on 26th March 2015 at the Securities Commission Malaysia. It was well attended by our Members with many remaining after the meeting for the high-tea. The event was an excellent opportunity for SIDREC to engage and socialise with our Members.
Securities Industry Dispute Resolution Center (201001025669)
Level 25, Menara Takaful Malaysia
No. 4, Jalan Sultan Sulaiman
50000 Kuala Lumpur
T: +60-3-2276 6969
E: info@sidrec.com.my