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Meet us in Penang: InvestSmart® Day, Gurney Resort Hotel on May 13

Meet SIDREC at InvestSmart® Day 2017 at Gurney Resort Hotel, Penang on May 13. Drop by to say hello, and learn more about the free, fair and expert service that SIDREC provides to investors with claims up to RM250,000.

InvestSmart® Day is a series of one-day events comprising stock market and unit trust seminars as well as talks for university students. InvestSmart® Day 2017 will also feature a mini exhibition by the capital market regulator, self-regulated organisations (SROs) and industry members (investment banks, stockbroking companies, unit trust management companies, Private Retirement Schemes (PRS) providers, etc) all under one roof!

There will be a seminar on unit trusts from 9am to 10.30am and on PRS from 11am to 1pm.

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