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Focus Malaysia features SIDREC Chairman Dato’ Ranita Mohd Hussein on alternative dispute resolution (ADR)

Focus Malaysia (issue April 22-28 2017) features SIDREC Chairman Dato’ Ranita Mohd Hussein in two articles on page 42: In pursuit of alternative dispute resolution and Protection assured for clients.

In the article In pursuit of alternative dispute resolution, Dato’ Ranita tells Executive Editor Cheah Chor Sooi:

  • Why use SIDREC’s ADR service? Clue: Free for investors with claims up to RM250,000, prevention of adverse publicity
  • What are the changes to SIDREC’s terms of reference? Clue: Since 1 April 2017,  there are two components to SIDREC’s scope of service: a mandatory component and a voluntary component
  • What happens during the SIDREC’s ADR process? Clue: Dealing with emotional tension, claims of bias, etc

In the side story Protection assured for clients, you will read about:

  • What happened when a stockbroking company sought judicial review on SIDREC’s awards to two claimants who lost money due to the misconduct of their remisier? Clue: The stockbroking company challenged SIDREC on two grounds, i.e. the principal-agent relationship (the relationship between the stockbroking house and remisier) and SIDREC’s due process. The case ended when the Federal court dismissed the stockbroking company’s application for leave to pursue the matter at that level 

Read all about in Focus Malaysia. Get your copy from the news stand!

Or click below for the scanned copy:

Focus Malaysia Issue April 22-28 2017, page 42

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