Bursa Investment Quiz 2022
Announcements SIDREC would like to congratulate all the winners of the Bursa Investment Quiz 2022! Well done to all participants and to Ms. Teo En
Focus Malaysia (issue April 22-28 2017) features SIDREC Chairman Dato’ Ranita Mohd Hussein in two articles on page 42: In pursuit of alternative dispute resolution and Protection assured for clients.
In the article In pursuit of alternative dispute resolution, Dato’ Ranita tells Executive Editor Cheah Chor Sooi:
In the side story Protection assured for clients, you will read about:
Read all about in Focus Malaysia. Get your copy from the news stand!
Or click below for the scanned copy:
Announcements SIDREC would like to congratulate all the winners of the Bursa Investment Quiz 2022! Well done to all participants and to Ms. Teo En
The Financial Education Network’s Financial Literacy Month (FLM) 2021, which began on 1 October, will culminate in a three-day virtual finale taking place between 29
SIDREC and OFS will be speaking at the financial planning workshop, “My Money and Me” on 26 March 2022 on the topic of consumer protection and dispute
Securities Industry Dispute Resolution Center (201001025669)
Level 25, Menara Takaful Malaysia
No. 4, Jalan Sultan Sulaiman
50000 Kuala Lumpur
T: +60-3-2276 6969
E: info@sidrec.com.my