
Finding amicable solutions to market disputes


SIDREC is ready to help you find amicable solutions to any disputes in the capital markets involving monetary claims. Read the interview of SIDREC CEO Sujatha Sekhar Naik by Focus Malaysia’s Cheah Chor Sooi. Click here to read more.

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BAGI menyelesaikan pertikaian mengenai tuntutan berkaitan dengan produk dan perkhidmatan pasaran modal, Suruhanjaya Sekuriti (SC) tampil menubuhkan badan korporat bebas, Pusat Penyelesaian Pertikaian Industri Sekuriti (Sidrec).

Protecting investor interests

Announcements The New Straits Times featured SIDREC in a recent news story highlighting how it provides “investors with an alternative avenue to the courts to seek