
Conduct of Mediation Sessions and Adjudication Hearings at SIDREC

2021-10-25 SIDREC DR Operations Announcement_Article Banner

Dear SIDREC Members and Claimants,


In view of the COVID-19 pandemic and various governmental movement control measures since March 2020, SIDREC initiated alternative modes in conducting its Mediation Sessions and Adjudication Hearings to continue providing a seamless and effective dispute resolution process. The three modes of Mediation Sessions and Adjudication Hearings available are:

  1. Physical: Where all parties are seated in one room at SIDREC’s office;
  2. Hybrid: Where all parties are present at SIDREC’s office but participate in the Mediation Sessions or Adjudication Hearings in separate rooms via video conferencing; and
  3. Fully Virtual: Where all parties would participate in the Mediation Sessions or Adjudication Hearings at different locations via video conferencing.

As Kuala Lumpur has entered into Phase 4 of National Recovery Plan since 18 October 2021, SIDREC will resume its office operation and hybrid mode in conducting Mediation Sessions and Adjudication Hearings as the default mode. SIDREC may, at its discretion, conduct fully virtual Mediation Sessions or Adjudication Hearings in exceptional circumstances.

As SIDREC continues to meet its commitment to support investors and capital market intermediaries during these unprecedented times, it will also be observing health-related standard operating procedures.

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