We Help Make It Right, Bursa MarketPlace Fair
SIDREC recently participated in the Marketplace Fair held at BURSA on 9th to 10th January 2016.
SIDREC Annual Report 2021 will be out soon.
Stay tuned!
SIDREC recently participated in the Marketplace Fair held at BURSA on 9th to 10th January 2016.
SIDREC had another busy weekend, this time with Malaysia Investment and Stock Exchange Expo (MISEE) 2015 at Putra World Trade Centre, Kuala Lumpur.
Crucial to SIDREC’s role in the investor protection framework is the independence and impartiality of the dispute resolution avenue it provides to help investors resolve their investment disputes involving financial loss, with capital market intermediaries.
Securities Industry Dispute Resolution Center (201001025669)
Level 25, Menara Takaful Malaysia
No. 4, Jalan Sultan Sulaiman
50000 Kuala Lumpur
T: +60-3-2276 6969
E: info@sidrec.com.my